
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

crash diet 101

I just started a 2-week high protein, low carbs, low calorie diet, and from previous personal and professional experience, I know that it will not be an easy journey.

Today I will share with you my tips to cruise thru a though diet:

Tip#1: it has to have a deadline

If you are following a very strict diet, acknowledge that you cannot stick to it for long. Set a deadline, and when you reach it change your diet to something that is milder and more long term. Knowing that it will be over in 2 weeks will help you go thru the hunger and cravings. Also, staying on a very hard diet for too long will decrease your metabolism, so there are absolutely no benefits to it.

Tip#2: you need a way out

I will not lie to you, keep me off my cheat meal for 2 weeks and I will crack. Cheat meals don’t mean blowing out all the diet, it means hope. For some of you, you will not be allowed to get out of line for some time, but usually you will need to cheat. Why do I think that a cheat meal is important? It will help you avoid daily “small cheats”, and will give you hope when you are really having a bad diet day.

Tip#3: if it didn’t work, try something else

Sometimes it is just not the right time for a crash diet. Sometimes, it is just not adapted to your life. If you fail to maintain a strict diet, don’t give up, you can and will lose weight, but just not this way. You can turn to a more balanced plan with as much exercising as you can. In all cases, don’t give up, this one was just not for you.

Tip#4: find a diet buddy

In my case, my husband is my crash diet buddy. And I must say, it feels good to have someone who is following the same rules as me. This way, at dinner time, we motivate each other, and it brings some comfort to know that you are not alone on this one. We don’t have the same objectives out of it, but at least we motivate each other, instead of tempting one another.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

drinking mistakes: booz and your waistline

Mistake#1: you don’t count your drinks

It is important to count your drinks first to know when to stop, second to know how much is too much for you, third to know if you drank all your calories at once. Alcohol contains as much calories as fat, therefore the more drinks the more calories, and less chance of maintaining a healthy weight.

Mistake#2: you don’t hydrate

As a rule of thumb, for every drink have a glass of water or sparkling water in return. This way, you will slow down the pace by having a glass of water in between drinks (so instead of 4 whiskey let’s say, you would have 2 and 2 glasses of water). Also, alcohol dehydrates your body, therefore it is good thinking to drink water to counteract its effect.

Mistake#3: you eat nuts

Nuts served along alcohol are usually salted, therefore they will as well dehydrate you. Furthermore, nuts are high in calories, and when drinking you don’t usually count how many pieces you are having. You might end up eating along your drink around 500 calories of nuts without even knowing it!

Mistake#4: you think a strawberry margarita is the same as a straight drink

Not all drinks are created equal. Generally speaking, anything that is a cocktail, is higher in calories. It either contains fruit juice, sugar syrup or any additions that will increase its caloric charge. Try to stick to straight drinks such as whiskey, vodka or gin alone or with sparkling water, or wine. And of course, all of them in moderation

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

water haters: how to drink more

If you hate the taste of water, here are a few tips, to help you improve your water intake:

Tip #1: fruit/ vegetable flavored water
Get a pitcher, slice fruits (any type at hand) or cucumbers and ginger, pour water, refrigerate overnight, drain. Voila! Water that tastes different.

Tip#2: mint or rose water flavored water
Same process as above, but you don’t need to keep it overnight. Also as an option, you can freeze mint and lemon pieces in ice cubes, and use them later on to flavor your water

Tip#3: herbal infusions

If you sip on herbal infusions that don’t contain tea (even green tea), it is as if you are drinking water. So bonus point!

Tip#4: soups and very juicy fruits

If you don’t like water, you can include to your daily diet soups and juicy fruits such as citrus fruits, watermelon, melon… to increase your fluid intake

Tip#5: jello, 0 sugar water flavorings, 0 sugar popsicles
If all fails you can resort to jello, 0 sugar water flavorings such as Bolero and 0 sugar popsicles. However, this is not the best option. Use it as a strategy on occasions when you really cannot tolerate anything else.