A few weeks ago, we discussed partying and drinking. Today, we'll discuss the aftermath of the parties, the after midnight meals! Most of us never go home once the party is over. We go for breakfast, at 3 AM! And there are plenty of options out there.
I personally prefer to skip this part of the night out. I'd rather go home, drink plenty of water, and get my beauty sleep. However, most party goers, such as yourself, find it difficult to skip the final round of the night at one of the around the clock restaurants in town.
And we all have to admit, once there, it's very difficult not to order anything to eat! Whether it's a hot dough sandwich, some fries, a pizza, eggs, or even fatteh or foul for the more ambitious ones, they all smell heavenly, and "wash out" the drinks very smoothly.
The problem is, calories pile up on top of the ones ingested from alcohol, and those meals are very often followed by a long night's sleep, rather than having an active day that will require you to spend a lot of energy.
One solution is present without you feeling punished: eat responsively.
Trick#1: Share your food
You are craving that kafta mayo sandwich and fries, or even knefeh, then split your meal with your friends. In fact, "sharing is caring". In that specific case, you'll be caring about everyone's waist line. By splitting your meal, you and your buddies will be splitting the calories in two, meaning less damage weight wise for all of you.
Trick#2: Simple items
If a dish contains more than two ingredients, then it's no good news. Avoid sandwiches filled with more than one topping (unless it's vegetables), skip the mayo or any other sauce, and stick to real breakfast foods. For example, eggs are not a bad idea, but avoid the bacon, ham or cheese, and ask for a two egg omelet instead of three. Sandwich wise, go for a labneh or a white cheese wrap loaded with vegetables, with multi-cereal dough. If you're more of a meat lover, avoid the steak and chicken sandwiches that are loaded with cheese and mayo, and instead, go for a lahme bi aajin.
Trick#3: Go green
If you ordered a sandwich, then skip this one, but in the case of eggs, or foul or fatteh, you can easily replace bread by vegetables, and decrease your caloric intake by at least 200 calories. Also, for the more ambitious ones, having a salad would be a good option, as long as you play by the rule of "keep it simple". It should be mainly greens, topped with one protein rich food ( chicken, tuna, crab, feta...), and a simple dressing, preferably lemon oil.
Now guys, I hope you'll remember my tricks next time you're drooling over a menu after midnight. I'm waiting for your feedback! Have a nice weekend everyone, and don't forget to hydrate.
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